Slideshow: Gov. Phil Scott Signs Three Historic Gun Bills | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

Slideshow: Gov. Phil Scott Signs Three Historic Gun Bills 

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OF 17
Josh Kuckens
Citizens opposed to the new gun legislation gather at the Statehouse before Wednesday's ceremony.
Josh Kuckens
Governor Phil Scott arrives at the Statehouse for the bill-signing ceremony.
Josh Kuckens
Ben Tucker of Tunbridge voices his displeasure with the Governor.
Taylor Dobbs
Ben Tucker of Tunbridge protests Wednesday's bill signing.
Josh Kuckens
Speaking on the Statehouse steps, Gov. Phil Scott outlines his reasons for signing the bills.
Josh Kuckens
Opponents of the new measures look on as the Governor delivers his remarks.
Josh Kuckens
Gov. Phil Scott cites the reality of mass shootings and suicides around the country in his speech before the bill signing.
Josh Kuckens
Jean Markey-Duncan of Burlington shows her support for the Governor and for the new gun legislation with a Harper Lee quote.
Josh Kuckens
Jennifer Tedesco, 17, of Woodbury, joins other opponents of the new gun legislation.
Josh Kuckens
Opponents of the new measures look on as the governor delivers his remarks.
Josh Kuckens
Governor Phil Scott, joined by his wife Diana McTeague Scott, makes his case for signing the three gun-control bills.
Josh Kuckens
Opponents of the new measures look on as the governor delivers his remarks.
Josh Kuckens
Burlington mayor Miro Weinberger joined state legislators and advocates behind the governor at the signing ceremony.
Josh Kuckens
Sen. Dick Sears (D-Bennington) is recognized for his contributions on S.22, one of the bills Gov. Phil Scott signed into law Wednesday.
Taylor Dobbs
A raucous crowd of protestors waved signs and heckled during speeches before Wednesday's bill signing.
Josh Kuckens
Governor Phil Scott, joined by his wife Diana McTeague Scott, signs the bills into law amid a mixture of applause and jeers.
Josh Kuckens
Gov. Phil Scott and his wife, Diana McTeague Scott, leave the Statehouse after Wednesday's bill-signing ceremony.
Josh Kuckens
Ben Tucker of Tunbridge voices his displeasure with the Governor.

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