The Cannabis Catch-Up: Getting Lobsters High Is a Thing Now, Apparently | Cannabis Catch-Up | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

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The Cannabis Catch-Up: Getting Lobsters High Is a Thing Now, Apparently


Published September 21, 2018 at 12:48 p.m.

That lobster was high AF - GRAFVISION | DREAMSTIME.COM
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  • That lobster was high AF
Google “getting animals high” and you’ll find all sorts of stuff.

Some people write about feeding animals cannabidiol-laced treats. More often than not, the results feature horror stories about pets that stumbled upon their owner's stash and consumed some. Others feature people who intentionally get an animal high and then take video of the poor creatures.

You get the idea.

But this week, a Maine restaurant took it to a whole new level. Charlotte Gill, owner of Charlotte’s Legendary Lobster Pound on Mount Desert Island, blew weed smoke into a box to see how Roscoe the crustacean would react, the Mount Desert Islander reports.

Guess what? Roscoe became totally chill. Gill took the rubber bands off his claws and he never again wielded them as weapons, the newspaper reports. Gill thinks sedating doomed lobsters in this way could make throwing them into boiling water less traumatic.

“The animal is already going to be killed,” the owner told the newspaper. “It is far more humane to make it a kinder passage.”

As for Roscoe? Gill released him back into the ocean “as a thank you for being the experimental crustacean.”


Here are some other cannabis stories we read this week:

September 15: Vermont defense attorneys are calling into question the methods used by “drug recognition experts,” law enforcement officers trained to detect whether a driver is under the influence of something besides alcohol. There are about 50 DREs in the state, and they could be in higher demand with the recent legalization of cannabis. [Jordan Cuddemi, Valley News]

September 17: Montpelier cops caught a Berlin burglar breaking into the Vermont Patients Alliance medical cannabis dispensary. Matthew Demar, 39, allegedly tried to make off with some plants. It’s the third time someone has burgled that dispensary. [Ike Bendavid, WCAX]

September 17: Senior citizens at the Laguna Woods Village retirement community in Orange County, Calif., board a free shuttle that takes them to a medical cannabis dispensary. Now that’s a fun outing. [Stephanie O’Neill, NPR]

September 17: Georgia anti-drug cops busted a woman for selling weed-laced munchies at a church event. “The edibles included a mixture of various types of cereal treats, brownies, and puddings,” the Chatham-Savannah Counter Narcotics Team said in a press release.

September 18: Border patrol agents seized about 180 pounds of pot at two checkpoints in New York's Adirondack Park over the course of five days. That’s a lot of weed near our northern border. [Associated Press, WCAX]

September 19: Oregon officials worried about medical cannabis diversion are implementing rules to limit the amount of weed patients can buy per day. What sparked it? “Over 19 days in August, for instance, one medical marijuana cardholder bought nearly 13 pounds of cannabis.” [Noelle Crombie, the Oregonian]

September 20: A new survey shows that monthly cannabis use has skyrocketed among older Americans: “As of 2017, Americans ages 55 to 64 are now slightly more likely to smoke pot on a monthly basis than teens ages 12 to 17.” [Christopher Ingraham, Washington Post]

September 20: Really interesting story out of Canada. A resident of a condo complex in Ontario is deadly allergic to cannabis smoke. But medical marijuana users live in her building. The standoff poses a significant question: Whose rights take precedence? [Lisa Xing, CBC News]

September 20: More news out of Canada. A reddit user spotted and snapped a picture of a sign on the side of the road in Québec that features a crossed out weed leaf and the word "border" in English and French. Translation: Don't bring pot across the U.S./Canada border. Someone spotted the sign along Autoroute 55, which leads right into the Stanstead/Derby Line port of entry. [Alissa Heidman, Narcity]

September 21: The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory of 50,000 people in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, has legalized a regulated recreational cannabis system. “The territory is also the first U.S. jurisdiction to go from having cannabis totally illegal to allowing recreational use without first having a medical marijuana program.” [Tom Angell, Forbes]

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