My Favorite Local Musician. | Solid State

My Favorite Local Musician.


It's come to my attention that it kills baby angels when I don't post specifically about music, so allow me to TURN IT UP!

My favorite local musician is and will always be Johnny Azer. He's a wonderful fella, and one of the most honest artists I've ever encountered. Here's his brand-new music video:

Here he is on the Jimmy Kimmel show:

This is a recent press release he sent me:

Hey everyone, Johnny Azer has a new 19 track CD out called Delusions of Grandeur and here are five reasons why you should purchase the new CD.

5) You could be in downtown Baghdad, when all of the sudden an anti American crowd spots you and descends upon you with the intention to rip you to pieces. Thank god you happen to have a Johnny Azer CD on you in which you reflect the sun off the cover to an SOS to a Cobra Helicopter flying overhead. The Cobra disperses the crowd. God Bless America.

4) Nostradamus predicts that a nuclear holocaust will happen in two years. Luckily since you purchased the Johnny Azer CD, on the inside cover is a list of places where you will be safe from the blasts and fallout.

3) You have an incurable disease. Track number 86 which is a mystery track gives the name of a doctor you can call collect in Shanghai that will treat you for free.

2) Makes a great ice scraper, kitty litter scraper and also a coffee coaster.

1) In all seriousness if you like a great variety of heart felt hard rock and really pretty tear jerkers then Johnny Azer's new CD is for you, and hey, 19 tracks, and that is only 14 bucks which includes shipping and handling anywhere within the continental US. It would be more if out of the country. Please support Johnny, he has given enough free ones away with no gain. Thank you.

In other music news, I see that NPR's favorite crack-rap artists Clipse are coming to Higher Ground on Monday, April 2.

And here's what I thought about that Deerhunter record I mentioned in a previous, non-music related post.



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