Soundbites: Wilco Make a Summer Mix for Solid Sound | Music News + Views | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

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Soundbites: Wilco Make a Summer Mix for Solid Sound


Published June 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

  • Courtesy
  • Wilco

Making a summer mix for someone is no small thing. Beyond the simple act of love that is curating a private playlist, there's a lot of pressure. Especially here in Vermont, our oh-so-brief period of sunny days and emerald surroundings heightens the impetus to carpe diem before the leaves turn. The mix needs to reflect that: Does it hold up on a road trip? Can you take it on a hike? How does it sound by the water at sunset?

It takes time, heart and a deep commitment to chilling the fuck out to make a great summer mix. And if you're reading this and saying to yourself, That sounds nice, Chris, but I'm not on your mix recipient list, am I? What am I supposed to do, cultivate a long and rich relationship with you until you know me intimately enough to present me with a soundtrack to my life?

I mean, that sounds like a lot for us both. For real, you're great and totally deserving of your own summer mix, but I have stuff going on over here, OK? How about this: I'll see if Jeff Tweedy has anything in the can for you.

[Calls up the Wilco front man.]

ME: Hey, Jeff, how's it going?

JEFF TWEEDY: Oh, God, you again? I told you to lose this number.

ME: Don't be like that, Tweedy Bird. Wake your sleepy dad-ass up and get me a summer album, would you?

JT: Don't call me Tweedy Bird. And what? You want me to make you an album?

ME: No, not me. The kids. The fans. I don't know — just make a fucking summer album, would you?

JT: We just put out a record last year! We're on tour. I don't have time to just make you an album. Seriously, how did you even get this number?

ME: If you don't put out a summer album, I swear to God that I'll tell everyone you hate Taylor Swift.

JT: That's not even funny. I have kids, man.

ME: I'll do it. I'll say that you think her songs are basic and that you love Scooter Braun.

JT: Jesus. Fine, call off your dogs. I'll make an EP.

And that is the totally true, completely accurate and not-made-up-in-any-way story of why Wilco are putting out a brand-new EP on Friday, June 28, titled Hot Sun Cool Shroud. You're welcome.

An alternate, some would say more realistic, version of why the EP is dropping is that Tweedy and his bandmates had some leftover goodies from recording 2023's critically acclaimed album Cousin. Tweedy, along with engineer Tom Schick, completed the extra six tracks and had a brainstorm: What if Wilco released their new EP to coincide with the first day of Solid Sound, the biannual summer music fest the band hosts at MASS MoCA in North Adams, Mass.?

So that's just what they decided to do. Hot Sun Cool Shroud hits all streaming platforms on Friday, but those attending the fest, which is produced by South Burlington-based Higher Ground Presents, have a chance to get a very special copy of the EP. A unique, white-vinyl pressing of the record will be available only at Solid Sound. What's more, fans will have the opportunity to design their own cover, utilizing a selection of stickers and ink stamps designed by visual artist Kathleen Ryan. The best-designed cover from the weekend will be selected by Wilco and used when the EP comes out in physical formats later in the year.

Tweedy, in actual real quotes attached to a press release, said he was excited to issue something exclusively for Solid Sound and talked up the EP's summer-vibe bona fides, describing it as a "summertime-after-dark kind of feeling."

"It starts off pretty hot, like heat during the day, has some instrumentals on it that are a little agitated and uncomfortable and ends with a cooling breeze," Tweedy said. He added that the EP is "more aggressive and angular than anything we've put out in a while" and has "all the pieces of summer, including the broody cicadas."

Exclusive Wilco EP aside, Vermont music fans should give some serious thought to making the drive to North Adams to catch Solid Sound. With performances by Wilco, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, Nick Lowe & Los Straightjackets, Dry Cleaning, Marc Ribot, Sylvan Esso, and plenty of other indie artists, the three-day fest is loaded with top musical talent. Throw in some jokes from comedians — such as John Hodgman, Eugene Mirman and Todd Barry — pop-up libraries and listening rooms, mini golf, live podcast tapings, and tons of food and beverage trucks, and the fest has got a little bit of everything for the traveling indie-rock fan and their family. Check out for details and tickets.

You can even listen to new Wilco summer jams on the drive down! And look, if for some reason it just doesn't quite scratch your summer mix itch, start putting in the time to become my friend, and I'll make you a mix. Hope you're in the mood for death-metal polka, because that's what you're getting.

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