Official Warning Special Town Meeting Town of Westford | Public Meetings | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

The legal voters of the Town of Westford are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Westford Elementary School, 146 Brookside Road, in said Town of Westford on Tuesday October 22, 2024 at 6:15 p.m. at which time the Town's Special Meeting will commence to act on the following article from the floor:

ARTICLE 1 Shall the voters of the Town of Westford approve the use of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand U.S. Dollars ($150,000) from the unassigned general fund balance to assist in purchasing the +/-3.2-acre property located at 1705 Vermont Route 128 from the Pigeon Family Living Trust?

The legal voters of the Town of Westford are further notified that voter qualification and registration relative to said Special Town Meeting shall be as provided in Chapters 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.

Approved this 19th, day of September 2024.

William Cleary, Chair
Deb Sawyer-Jorschick
Patrick Haller
Wendy Doane
Casey Mathieu