Music Review: 'Everyone on Board' by Rockin Ron the Friendly Pirate | Kids VT | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

Guides » Kids VT

Music Review: 'Everyone on Board' by Rockin Ron the Friendly Pirate

Seven Days' music editor reviews the latest release from Smugglers' Notch-based singer Rockin' Ron the Friendly Pirate.


Published August 20, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Rockin' Ron the Friendly Pirate, Everyone on Board - COURTESY
  • Courtesy
  • Rockin' Ron the Friendly Pirate, Everyone on Board

Land ho! Raise the ship's flag, because Vermont's most nautical of kids' music pirates is back with a new self-released album full of sing-alongs, life lessons and positivity.

Musician Ron Carter, better known to little Vermont buccaneers as Rockin' Ron the Friendly Pirate, has been writing and releasing music for kids since 2002. The Smugglers' Notch-based singer-songwriter mixes fun and education into catchy, aquatic-themed tunes.

Ron's latest offering, Everyone on Board, continues his long and consistent run of entertaining records. He adds just enough musical tricks to keep adult listeners interested, even as he gets the kids singing along to songs about such pressing topics as wanting one's binky back ("Gimme Back My Binky") and study habits ("Smarty Pants Pirate"). There's a kind of subtle genius to Rockin' Ron's songwriting; balancing a sense of fun with an educational bent is much harder than it appears.

Find his tunes on Spotify and his calendar of appearances at

This article was originally published in Seven Days' monthly parenting magazine, Kids VT.

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