Introducing Seven Days' 2024 Vermont Voter Guide | Seven Days

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Making History: Introducing Vermont's 2024 General Election Voter Guide

This guide includes everything you need to know about voting — on or before November 5.


Published September 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

  • Matt Mignanelli | Rev. Diane Sullivan

On Town Meeting Day in 1981, Burlington voters did something unexpected: They elected a new mayor who was an independent, self-described Democratic socialist. Nobody outside the city had ever heard of the guy. He won by just 10 votes.

Fast-forward 43 years, and Bernie Sanders is a household name — and a recognizable meme. Love him or hate him, the man who is now Vermont's independent U.S. senator is one of the best-known politicians in the country. A two-time candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, he spoke in a coveted prime-time slot on the second night of the Democratic National Convention last month in Chicago.

Now 83 — older than President Joe Biden — Sanders is on the ballot again this fall, asking Vermont voters to elect him to a fourth six-year Senate term. His answers to a candidate questionnaire appear alongside those of his rivals in this general election voter guide.

I have a friend in her nineties who likes to remind me that her vote was one of those that put Sanders on top in his first election. A moderate, middle-of-the-road centrist, she likes the socialist from Brooklyn. She plans to vote for Sanders — and for the incumbent Republican governor, Phil Scott, too.

She likely won't be the only one. Vermont voters often cross party lines to pick their preferred candidates. And it's actually not unusual, in this small state, to be one of just a few dozen voters who swing an election; sometimes there's just a single-digit margin. A number of this year's races, especially for seats in the Vermont legislature, promise to be tight. If you think your vote doesn't matter here, think again.

Seven Days produced this voter guide to help you to assess your choices; its publication coincides with the arrival of the ballots that will be mailed to every registered voter on the state's checklist. The guide includes a listing of all legislative candidates, plus expanded information about those competing in all six statewide races, as well as the two federal races on the ballot. We've also compiled some things you should know about voting in Vermont — and answered some of voters' frequently asked questions.

If you haven't been paying attention to these local races, this guide will help you get started. We hope it will inspire you to vote — on or before November 5.

One way or another, the 2024 election will be historic. You don't want to miss it.

P.S. If you enjoy this guide, consider becoming a Seven Days Super Reader. All this democracy cheerleading isn't cheap!

The original print version of this article was headlined "You Can Make History"

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