Is My Penis Skinny? | Ask the Rev. | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

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Is My Penis Skinny?


Published March 1, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

  • ID 239480986 © Anatolii Riabokon | Dreamstime

Dear Reverend,

My penis is in the high seven- to eight-inch range — think a water bottle or a little less than an air freshener — but it has been called skinny by one girl. That's the first time I've ever heard that from a girl. I've always just thought I'm not that thick. Any advice?

Rod Schwing (man, 18)

Dear Rod,

I've heard of penises being compared to vegetables and sausages, but air fresheners? Such an interesting choice. Now I can't stop picturing a guy with a Glade can where his junk should be. So, thanks for that.

Penises come in all shapes and sizes. That girl may have only had experience with penises thicker than yours, but that doesn't necessarily mean yours is thinner than average. Studies show that the average human penis measures 3.61 inches in length with a circumference of 3.66 inches when flaccid, and 5.17 inches with a circumference of 4.59 inches when erect.

According to one study, only five men out of 100 had an erect penis longer than six inches. So, if you really are seven to eight inches, consider yourself in the top percentile of penis length. Here's how to take an official measurement (best done when erect): Using a soft measuring tape, place the end at the base of your penis by the pubic bone (squish down any fat around the area) and take the tape to the tip on the top. To measure the girth, you should measure around the middle of the shaft.

A little googling can bring you to a number of manual stretching exercises that you can use to try to increase the girth of your penis. You can also talk to your doctor about options, including surgery, if you are really concerned. But I wouldn't worry about it too much. There is truth to the old saying "It's not the size; it's how you use it." As long as you're happy with your equipment, don't let one not-so-glowing review get you down.

Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend

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