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Free Will Astrology


Published December 10, 2008 at 6:17 a.m.

Here's the weekly astrological forecast for December 10 - 17, 2008. What's your sign, baby? They're all here...

ARIES (March 21-April 19): It’s an ideal time for you to throw a party for all the people you’ve ever been and all the different selves who live within you now. Invite the teenager who once seethed with frustrated potential and the 4-year-old who loved nothing more than to play. Include the hopeful complainer who stands in the shadows and dares you to ask for more, as well as the brave hero who comes out every now and then to attempt seemingly impossible feats of happiness. Don’t forget any of the various personalities who have contributed to making you who you are. Celebrate your internal diversity. Marvel at how good you are at changing.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Novelists and actors make a living by using their imaginations to create fictional stories. In recent years there has emerged a new group of workers whose pretending skills also earn them money. They make imaginary weapons, armor, potions and other computer-generated gear to sell to people who play online role-playing games like World of Warcraft. I bring this to your attention, Taurus, because you’re in a favorable phase to put your imagination to work in practical ways that increase your prosperity and security. As soon as you’re finished reading this horoscope, start brainstorming about specific things you could do to convert fantasies into real-world wealth.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I’m pleased to be able to offer you a Zen riddle that will prepare you well for the immediate future. Study it, meditate on it, and refer back to it often when dealing with upcoming challenges. Question: What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? Answer: Nothing. Chimneys can’t talk. I don’t want to explain all the nuances of this helpful conundrum, Gemini, because it’ll serve you better if you come to your own conclusions. But I’ll get you started with this hint: Be vigilant for trick questions, and don’t let those trick questions frame the debates you engage in. Do you know what red herrings and straw men are? Don’t get distracted by them.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): I’ve got three related questions for you, Cancerian. 1. Are there any roles you play in which your selfish and unselfish tendencies overlap? 2. What situations allow you to be most completely yourself as you provide a fine service to others? 3. Which of your skills generate the most blessings and gifts? The next 12 months will be a favorable time for you to identify these roles, situations and skills, and cultivate them to the max. You’ll have prime opportunities to express your special genius while doing good deeds.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What country has more sand than any other? With its vast deserts, Saudi Arabia has got to be near the top of the list. Nevertheless, the Saudi government forbids the export of sand, worrying that it might eventually run out due to its construction industry’s demands for the stuff. This irrational fear reminds me of you, Leo. You, too, have a certain bountiful resource that will never be depleted — and yet you’re chronically worried that it will. Please adjust your thinking. It’s an excellent time to get more realistic about the true nature of your abundance.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): After meditating on how best to energize your love life, I decided to direct you to this passage from John Welwood’s book Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships: Healing the Wound of the Heart: “Everyone knows perfect love in their heart, for the human heart is a direct channel through which absolute love pours into this world. At the same time, human relationships are imperfect expressions of that love. This creates a painful gap between the perfect love we know in our hearts and the imperfect, incomplete ways it is expressed in our relationships. When we imagine that relative human love should be something it is not — absolutely unconditional — we suffer disappointment and wind up distrusting love itself. We also hold grievances against others for not loving us rightly or against ourselves for not having won that love. This gives rise to a universal human wound — the sense of not feeling loved for who we are.”

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “I was walking down the street agonizing over what to do about a particularly troublesome person in my life,” writes Tai Moses in her blog (, “when I saw a playing card laying facedown on the sidewalk. I turned it over.” It was a joker. Her thoughts immediately turned to the words of the philosopher Alan Watts: “When you get the message, hang up the phone.” I hope you’ll be inspired by Moses’ experience, Libra. For now, the best approach to take with your knotty dilemmas is to welcome them as wild cards and X-factors that will bring you interesting experiences and valuable lessons — and just stop worrying about them.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In one episode of the TV show “Seinfeld,” Elaine couldn’t get her favorite Chinese restaurant to deliver take-out food to her apartment. The manager said her neighborhood was just beyond the boundary of where his drivers were authorized to travel. But Elaine was determined. She went over to the apartment building across the street, which was within the restaurant’s delivery zone, and set up an alternate home for herself in a janitor’s closet. I suggest you adopt a similar strategy, Scorpio. If you can’t get what you want in the place where you are, shift your location.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): There are 300,000 surveillance cameras set up all over the city of Beijing, spying constantly on its citizens. London, a supposed bastion of democracy, has 500,000 such cameras. I highly recommend you don’t visit either place in the coming weeks, Sagittarius. It’s crucial for you to avoid influences that make you feel self-conscious or guilty. You’ve got to hang out in spots where you’re not being watched, scrutinized, and evaluated. While you’re at it, you might also want to tell your Inner Critic to shut the hell up. You need wide-open, judgment-free spaces, both without and within.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In California’s recent election, citizens voted to liberate poultry. Proposition 2 passed, mandating that from now on farmers cannot confine chickens in cages where they’re unable to spread their wings. Meanwhile, in the same election, voters decided to make it illegal for gay people to be married, a right that had previously been granted by the California Supreme Court. How odd is it that chickens got a measure of freedom while gays had one of their precious freedoms cut away? I’m warning you to be wary of a metaphorically similar scenario looming in your personal life, Capricorn: in which one liberty is upgraded while another is sacrificed. Fight to make sure there’s no net loss.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Would you like to consistently be in the right place at the right time in the coming weeks? Personally, I’d love you to have that knack. It would make my job more enjoyable, since I could fall asleep each night with the comforting thought that you are meeting your dates with destiny while you’re at the height of your powers. So what IS the best way to ensure that you will have impeccable intuition and a great sense of timing? Here’s what I say: Set aside all expectations about what the past implies and what the future may bring. Instead, cultivate a desire to recognize and respond to the raw truth of each new moment.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): There’s a new elective surgery that makes it impossible to ever blush again. It’s an expensive procedure that involves boring a hole in your armpit and cutting the nerve endings that are responsible. I wouldn’t recommend it for you, even though you’re entering a phase when you’ll be more prone than usual to blushing. Why? Because, according to my projections, your main reason for blushing in the coming days will be due to receiving sudden, unexpected or long-withheld praise. I believe it’ll be a time when you’re acknowledged for the good things you do. Blush away!

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