"I Snorted My Father." | Solid State

"I Snorted My Father."


Of course you've seen this by now. To me, the most disturbing part is that Keith Richards continues to ingest hard drugs well into his golden years. But I almost admire his commitment.

The New Yorker's Sahsa Frere-Jones writes eloquently (and rather emptily) about Prince. What a great job SFJ has. He gets to pen high-falutin' prose about all sorts of *mainstream* music, and he doesn't even have to go to shows. Unless its say, the Purple One in Vegas. Or maybe Radiohead.

Speaking of music critics, here's a guide to our cliché-ridden vocabulary. It's no Rock Snob's Dictionary, but it should prove valuable to some.

Have you ever read Doug Mosurak's Still Single column? It's really fun.

Off to my editorial meeting. Then its back to putting well-worn adjectives in their proper places.



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