In Reversal, VSEA Reinstates Mitchell, Calls for Independent Investigation | Off Message

In Reversal, VSEA Reinstates Mitchell, Calls for Independent Investigation


His tenure still in turmoil, the executive director of the Vermont State Employees Association hailed his reinstatement at the union Monday.

"It's a qualified vindication, at least at this point," said Mark Mitchell, who was ousted by the union's board of trustees last Wednesday by a vote of 10 to six.

On Monday came word that the board had voted 10 to seven at an emergency meeting to reverse its own decision and bring Mitchell back onboard — at least for the time being.

"After lengthy debate and review of the facts before them, the Board voted this afternoon to reverse its initial decision and reinstate Mitchell as Executive Director, pending an independent, third-party investigation, which will be launched immediately and could last up to a month," union spokesman Doug Gibson said in a written statement. "The board voted to place Mitchell on administrative leave, with pay, for the duration of the investigation."

According to Gibson, legislative director Steve Howard and operations director Kathi Partlow have been tasked with running the union's day-to-day operations until the situation is resolved. 

We'll have more on the story in this week's Seven Days.



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