Not quite Labor Ready material | 802 Online

Not quite Labor Ready material


From the le duo, file under the Ouch! Department...

The le duo guy is looking for work, goes to the Labor Ready office on North Winooski Avenue in Burlington, and takes their personality test.

...the test involved reading simple questions and then entering youranswers on to a key pad that looked like a credit card machine. somesample questions:

in the last month have you done these illegal street drugs- meth, ice, crank, crack, coke, uppers, downers, poppers, mdma, etc?

1. always
2. sometimes
3. rarely
4. never


you feel its appropriate to hit some one who has angered you.

1. always
2. sometimes
3. rarely
4. never

a third of the questions were about drugs, a third fighting at work, and a third stealing from your employer. i answered the questions truthfully. no, i never fight at work. no idont show up to work under the influence of drugs. the test took meabout 8 minutes. after i was finished the lady said 'takes just aminute for the results.' i stood there wondering how awesomely i haddone.

But guess what...



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