Read anything by "Nasdijj"? | 802 Online

Read anything by "Nasdijj"?


Then you'll want to read this thorough article from today's LA Weekly, an alt weekly in the city of Angels. It charges Nasdijj, a "Native American" memoirist, with being a phony.

This link is a little off-topic for me, but I stumbled across the story and felt compelled to pass it along. It's longer than it  needs to be, but it's a real eye-opener. This paragraph pretty much sums it up:

The question that remains is how these frauds are perpetrated in suchabundance. A writer, seemingly white in appearance and lacking anythingresembling a verifiable personal history, turns in a manuscript filledwith sage-like wisdom from an ancient and secretive people and no onebothers to check the facts? Houghton Mifflin’s Anton Mueller,presumably speaking for the publishing industry at large, has ananswer: “As you know, we don’t fact-check books.”




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