Scenes from the People's Climate March | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

Scenes from the People's Climate March 

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OF 23
Kevin J. Kelley
Vermont had a noticeable but diffuse presence.
Kevin J. Kelley
Vermont had a noticeable but diffuse presence.
Kevin J. Kelley
A large contingent of Ben & Jerry's workers in powder blue T-shirts brought up the rear of the four-hour-long march.
Kevin J. Kelley
James Haslam of the Vermont Workers Center behind a banner reading “Put People First.”
Kevin J. Kelley
Thomas Grace, a veteran of Occupy Burlington, marched with the International Socialist Organization.
Kevin J. Kelley
Some of the marchers could have been at a Halloween parade.
Kevin J. Kelley
Some of the marchers could have been at a Halloween parade.
Kevin J. Kelley
Some of the marchers could have been at a Halloween parade.
Kevin J. Kelley
Some of the marchers could have been at a Halloween parade.
Kevin J. Kelley
Some of the marchers could have been at a Halloween parade.
Kevin J. Kelley
Central Park West was thick with humanity for a mile and a half. The march often came to a standstill because the number of participants filled the streets to overflowing.
Kevin J. Kelley
Central Park West was thick with humanity for a mile and a half. The march often came to a standstill because the number of participants filled the streets to overflowing.
Kevin J. Kelley
Clever signs brought smiles to those carrying them and seeing them.
Kevin J. Kelley
Clever signs brought smiles to those carrying them and seeing them.
Kevin J. Kelley
Clever signs brought smiles to those carrying them and seeing them.
Kevin J. Kelley
Direct action, likely involving numerous arrests, is planned for Monday under the rallying cry “Flood Wall Street.”
Kevin J. Kelley
Socialist activists comprised a sizable portion of the marchers.
Kevin J. Kelley
Socialist activists comprised a sizable portion of the marchers.
Kevin J. Kelley
Socialist activists comprised a sizable portion of the marchers.
Kevin J. Kelley
It was a militant but also mellow event. A well-inked policewoman seemed to empathize with the colorful displays.
Kevin J. Kelley
It wasn't only the biggest climate demonstration ever; it was visibly the most diverse.
Kevin J. Kelley
It wasn't only the biggest climate demonstration ever; it was visibly the most diverse.
Kevin J. Kelley
It wasn't only the biggest climate demonstration ever; it was visibly the most diverse.
Kevin J. Kelley
Vermont had a noticeable but diffuse presence.

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