Scenes From Bernie Sanders' Super Tuesday Rally | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

Scenes From Bernie Sanders' Super Tuesday Rally 

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James Buck
The scene before Tuesday night's rally in Essex
James Buck
A Bernie Sanders supporter at the Vermont rally Tuesday night
James Buck
Bernie Sanders fans at Tuesday's rally at the Champlain Valley Exposition
James Buck
A young supporter feels the Bern.
Matthew Thorsen
Matthew Thorsen
James Buck
Marjory Power's son is an Irish musician, so the Montpelier resident jumped on a "Bernie Go Bragh" sign.
James Buck
Bernie Sanders fans at Tuesday's rally at the Champlain Valley Exposition
James Buck
James Buck
A Bernie Sanders fan at Tuesday's rally at the Champlain Valley Exposition
James Buck
A Bernie Sanders fan at Tuesday's rally at the Champlain Valley Exposition
James Buck
A Bernie Sanders fan at Tuesday's rally at the Champlain Valley Exposition
James Buck
Jerry Greenfield speaks at Bernie Sanders' Tuesday night rally in Essex.
James Buck
Ben Folds performs at Bernie Sanders' Super Tuesday rally in Essex.
Matthew Thorsen
James Buck
Bernie Sanders speaks in Essex Tuesday night after winning the Vermont Democratic primary.
James Buck
Bernie Sanders speaks in Essex Tuesday night after winning the Vermont Democratic primary.
James Buck
Bernie Sanders speaks in Essex Tuesday night after winning the Vermont Democratic primary.
James Buck

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