The Selectboard of the Town of Essex shall hold a public hearing at 6:35 p.m. on October 17, 2022, at the Town Offices, 81 Main St., Essex Jct. and electronically on Zoom. You can find the link at or join via conference call (audio only): (888) 788-0099 | Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140;
Passcode: 032060
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider final passage of Chapter 6.11, Public Nuisance, of the Municipal Ordinance. The Selectboard of the Town of Essex hereby ordains that changes be made to create Municipal Ordinance, Chapter 6.11, Public Nuisance. The purpose of the provisions is to provide ordinances regarding public nuisances, including disorderly conduct; excessive sound; public urination / defecation; public nudity; soliciting; defacing buildings, structures and signs; alcohol; open fires; and fireworks.
Full text of the proposed revisions may be examined at the Essex Town Offices, 81 Main St., Essex Jct., VT, or online at
Should the Town of Essex Selectboard adopt these ordinances, they will become effective immediately. Citizens have the right to petition for a vote on the ordinance at an annual or special meeting pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1973. Five (5) percent of the qualified voters of the Town of Essex, by written petition filed with the Town Clerk no later than forty-four (44) days following the date of adoption by the Selectboard, may request that the voters of the Town disapprove of the Selectboard's action at a duly warned annual or special meeting.
Please direct questions to Lt. Robert Kissinger at [email protected] or 802-878-8331.
Andy Watts, Chair
Essex Selectboard