Town of Essex Public Hearing Notice | Public Meetings | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

Proposed Amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations

Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4441(d), the Essex Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for 6:00 PM, on May 25, 2023, at the municipal offices, 81 Main Street, Essex Junction, Vermont, or online via Zoom, using the following link:, or by calling 1-888-788-0099 using the meeting ID: 923 7777 6158 # and Passcode: 426269. The purpose of the hearing is to solicit public input on proposed amendments to the Town of Essex Official Zoning Bylaws, effective February 28, 2017, and proposed amendments to the Town of Essex Official Subdivision Regulations, effective February 28, 2017.

The purpose of the amendments is to maintain consistency with state planning law (24 V.S.A., Chapter 117) and to implement provisions in the 2016 Essex Town Plan. The amendments include minor technical corrections and clarifications, as well as minor revisions to comply with state planning law and update outdated terms. Clarifications and additions were made in the Definitions chapter (Article VIII). Substantive changes to the zoning regulations include the following: 1) updates to the Business Design Control district table (Table 2.16) to reference and include language from the 2021 ETC NEXT Master Plan and additional design requirements, 2) the elimination of a minimum dwelling unit size (Section 3.3(A)(B)), 3) allowance of marquee signs in the MXD(B1) district, and 4) the minimum number of units in a PUD was increased from two to six.

Revisions to the Town of Essex Official Subdivision Regulations were largely technical in nature.

The amendments have the potential to affect all areas in Town.

Copies of the proposed amendments and the report required by 24 V.S.A. §4441(c) may be obtained or examined at the municipal offices at 81 Main Street, Essex, and the Essex Free Library at 1 Browns River Road. The proposed amendments may be downloaded from the Town website at

For more information contact Katherine Sonnick, Community Development Director at [email protected] or 878-1343.

Dustin Bruso, Chair, Essex Planning Commission