Town Of Colchester Selectboard Notice Of Public Hearing Capital Budget Program For Fy 2023-2028 | Public Meetings | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

Pursuant to 24 V.S.A., Chapter 117, Section 4430 and 4443 and Section 602 (4) of the Town of Colchester's Charter, the Town of Colchester Selectboard will hold a public hearing on May 10, 2022 at 6:35 PM at the Colchester Town Office, Outer Bay Conference Room, 3rd Floor, to consider adoption of the FY 2023-2028 Capital Budget Program for the Town of Colchester. You may watch the Selectboard meeting on livestream TV:

Residents are welcome to participate in the hearing in-person. Alternatively, you may send a note, up to 1,000 words, to [email protected] with "FY23-FY28 Capital Budget Program" in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email. The email will be shared with the entire Selectboard prior to the meeting and included in the information packet at the next meeting (as the information packet for the current meeting is sent out along with the agenda).

Copies of the Capital Budget Program are available at the Town Clerk's office at 781 Blakely Rd. or on the Town website:

Publication date no later than April 21, 2022.