The Town of Bristol is requesting proposals for project management services for engineering, design, bidding, and construction for a steep street slope realignment, retaining wall repair or replacement, bank stabilization, sidewalk replacement, and stormwater improvement project. It is funded in part by the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) through the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) Municipal Assistance Section (MAS) Transportation Alternatives Program grant, through the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development Downtown Transportation Fund grant and Clean Water Initiatives grant, and the Town of Bristol.
A detailed scope of work can be downloaded from Bristol's Web site at: Proposals will be accepted until 12:00pm, Friday, October 28, 2022 by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail or hand delivery with "Basin Street MPM" in the subject line or on the envelope to: Town of Bristol, 1 South Street, P.O. Box 249, Bristol, VT 05443.
Questions? Contact Town Administrator Valerie Capels at (802) 453-2410 or [email protected].
The Town of Bristol is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, gender, or familial status.
Pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 117, the Colchester Select Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 25, at 6:35 P.M. at the Colchester Town Offices, 781 Blakely Road, for the purpose of considering amendments of the Colchester Development Regulations. The proposed amendments are as follows:
a. Create new residential zoning districts Lakeshore 3 (LS3) and Lakeshore 4 (LS4) [Chapters 3.06 and 3.07, Table A-1, Table A-2];
b. Reorganization of statutory references to Municipal Plan, Permitted Uses and
Conditional uses to reduce redundancy [Chapter 1.07 and throughout];
c. Updates to process for zone change requests to align with PC policy adopted February 2022 [2.03D];
d. Clarifications and minor substantive adjustments related to dimensional standards of accessory structures, including height and placement. [2.09 and Table A-2];
e. Minor changes to language related to accessory dwelling units: change from use of "apartment" and "residential unit"; clarity with respect to obtaining a wastewater permit prior to issuance of a zoning permit [2.09B and definitions, 12.02];
f. Clarify how heights of fences are measured [2.10B];
g. Changes to status of non-conforming use status to provide for limited extension [2.12];
h. Explicitly connect wastewater requirements of Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinances to the Development Regulations [2.15];
i. Update reference to Building Code subsection to reflect changes in Chapter 4 of the
Code of Ordinances [2.17];
j. Clarify that the Severance Corners Form Based District is the General Development 3
(GD3) District [4.03];
k. Updates to Water Protection District to include exemptions permitted under state statute for stormwater management systems [7.04C];
l. Consider regulations related to electric vehicle charging stations [10.01 C (7-9)];
m. Extend expiration period for major subdivisions and clarify rights associated with 24 VSA 4463 for subdivision plats [9.04H];
n. Updates related to bicycle parking [10.01K];
o. Updates to commercial vehicle definitions and parking standards [10.01M];
p. Updates to Photovoltaic Systems (solar collectors) to be consistent with statute and Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinances [10.08];
q. Updates related to non-net-metered Photovoltaic systems to provide for increased height and reduced screening requirements of ground-mounted systems [10.08B3];
r. Updates to fence and setback requirements for Wind-Turbines [10.09];
s. Clarifications related to requirements for water and wastewater permits [11.03B];
t. Extend expiration period for zoning, sign, water, and wastewater permits [11.04&11.05];
u. Amend definition of "Inn" to reduce number of allowed rooms and length of stay
[Chapter 12];
v. Amend definition of "Excavation" to exclude work exempt from or authorized under State permitting [Chapter 12];
w. Various, non-substantive grammatical and organizational adjustments [text and Table A-1];
x. Zoning Map; includes changes to R2, creation of LS3 and LS4 districts.The meeting is currently scheduled to take place at the Town of Colchester Town Offices, 781 Blakely Road, Colchester, Vermont, in the Outer Bay Conference Room on the third floor. Alternatively, you can email a note, up to 1,000 words, to [email protected] with
"Proposed Edits to Colchester Development Regulations" in the Subject and include your name. As with in-person Citizens to be Heard, we ask that you SHARE YOUR ADDRESS. The email will be shared with the entire Selectboard prior to the meeting and included in the information packet at the next meeting. You may watch the Selectboard meeting on live stream TV:
This is a summary of the proposed changes. Copies of the adopted and proposed regulations can be viewed at the Town Offices at 781 Blakely Road and may also be reviewed online at If you have questions regarding these amendments, please contact Colchester Planning and Zoning Director, Cathyann LaRose at 802-264-5602.