The Town of Bolton's Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on April 28, 2022, at 6:30pm.
Place: Virtual or Municipal Conference Room, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway, Bolton, VT, 05676.
Zoom link:
Call (audio only): +1 646 558 8656| Meeting ID: 879 9393 7080
The following applications will be reviewed:
2022-11-DRB; Applicant & Property Owner: Catherine Antley and Gideon Bavly. Seeking final subdivision approval for a boundary line adjustment on 569 Mill Brook Rd. The property is in the Forest, Conservation, and Rural II Districts. (Tax Map #2-0060509).
2022-17-DRB; Applicant: Lenore Hayes. Property Owner: Burlington Community Land Trust & Champlain Housing Trust. Appealing Zoning Administrator's notice of violation for a pool and associated deck located in a stream setback on 3244 Duxbury Rd. The property is located in the Rural I District. (Tax Map #15-0013244).
2022-23-DRB; Applicant: Lindsay DesLauriers. Property Owner: BVR LLC. Seeking conditional use review and steep slopes review for a nordic ski facility hut located on 4302 Bolton Valley Access Rd. The project is located in the Conservation District. (Tax Map #7-3004250).
Additional information can be obtained through email by calling 802-434-5075, or by email at [email protected]. Pursuant to 24 VSA § 4464 and § 4471, participation in this local proceeding, by written or oral comment, is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.