Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §4442 and §4444, notice is hereby given of a public hearing by the Burlington City Council to hear comments on the following proposed amendments to the City of Burlington's Comprehensive Development Ordinance (CDO):
ZA-21-03 R-L Boundary at 925 North Ave
ZA-21-05 Parking Garage Illumination Standard
ZA-21-06 Shoreline Property Setbacks & Buffer Zone
Per Act 92, Secs. 5 and 6, the public hearing will take place on Monday, April 26, 2021 during the Regular City Council Meeting which begins at 7:00 pm. You may access the hearing/meeting as follows:
To join from a Computer, please use the following link:
To join by telephone dial: +1 929 205 6099
Webinar ID: 839 7809 9086
Pursuant to the requirements of 24 V.S.A. §4444(b):
Statement of purpose:
- ZA-21-03: To rezone approximately 2.4 acres of the property located at 925 North Avenue from RCO-C to R-L.
- ZA-21-05: To refer to the current lighting standard for parking garages as established by IESNA.
- ZA-21-06: To establish maximum front yard setback for shoreline properties within the waterfront residential zones and establish low-mow standards along the shoreline.
Geographic areas affected:
- ZA-21-03: Approximately 2.4 acres of R-L zoned land located at 925 North Avenue.
- ZA-21-05: All areas and zoning districts within the city.
- ZA-21-06: Properties within the waterfront residential (WRL & WRM) zones with frontage along Lake Champlain or the Winooski River.
List of section headings affected:
- ZA-21-03: Modifies Map 4.3.1-1 Base Zoning Districts; Map 4.4.5-1 Residential Zoning Districts; Map 4.4.6-1 Recreation, Conservation, Open Space Districts; and Map 4.5.1-1 Design Review Overlay.
- ZA-21-05: Modifies Sec.5.5.2 (f) 5. Parking Garage Lighting.
- ZA-21-06: Modifies Table 4.4.5-3 Residential District Dimensional Standards, Sec. 4.5.4 (a) and Sec 4.5.4 (c) 4.
The full text of the Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance is available online at www.burlingtonvt.gov/DPI/CDO. A hard copy of the proposed amendments are posted and can be viewed on the information board located on the first floor of City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or on the department's website at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/DPI/CDO/Proposed-Amendments-Before-the-City-Council.