Public Hearing Notice Amendments To The City Of Winooski Unified Land Use And Development Regulations | Public Meetings | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

In accordance with 24 V.S.A § 4415 and § 4444, the Winooski City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 06, 2023 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Members of the public interested in participating in this hearing can do so by attending in person at Winooski City Hall, 27 West Allen Street, Winooski, VT; or electronically by visiting; or by calling (646) 558 8656 and using Webinar ID: 843 6484 9328. Toll charges may apply.

Amendments to the Unified Land Use and Development Regulations

• Section 4.1 - Abandonment, Stabilization & Demolition

• Section 4.2 - Access, Driveways, Roads, and Circulation

• Section 4.3 - Conversion or Change of Use

• Section 4.5 - Equal Treatment of Housing

• Section 4.6 - Fences & Walls

• Section 4.7 - Landscaping & Screening

• Section 4.9 - Nonconforming Lots, Structures, Right of Way or Drive, and Uses

• Section 4.10 - Outdoor Lighting

• Section 4.11 - Outdoor Storage, Mechanical and Utility Equipment

• Section 4.12 - Parking, Loading, and Service Areas

• Section 5.15 - Incentives for Adaptive Reuse

• Section 6.6 - Site Plan Review

• Article IX - Definitions

Statement of Purpose: The purpose of these amendments are as follows:

Section 4.1 – Updates and amends specific requirements related to demolition of buildings and structures; including permitting.

Section 4.2 – Clarifies what standards to use for driveways and curb cuts. Also removes information and graphics related to site plan considerations.

Section 4.3 – Amends and clarifies permitting requirements for conversions or changes of use.

Section 4.5 – Includes minor editorial amendments for clarity.

Section 4.6 – Updates the need for permitting of walls, including the location of fences and walls.

Section 4.7 – Includes clarification on where landscaping and screening is required.

Section 4.9 – Updates development standards for non-conforming lots and changes of use in pre-existing non-conforming structures.

Section 4.10 – Includes clarification on where outdoor lighting is required.

Section 4.11 – Clarifies where outdoor storage is required, including the location and screening of outdoor storage.

Section 4.12 – Amends multiple sections of the parking standards including additional use standards; additional documentation and standards for parking adjustments; adds more detail on bicycle parking, and removes references to parking and loading standards that are specific to site plan review.

Section 5.15 – Creates incentives for adaptive reuse of historic resources.

Section 6.6 – Includes graphics and details for site plan review that were previously included in Sections 4.2 and 4.12.

Article IX – Adds new definitions related to specific terms used in Article IV and terms not currently defined.

Geographic Area Affected: The proposed amendments will apply to the entire City including all zoning districts.

Section Headings Impacted: The following specific updates are included with these amendments:

Section 4.1 – Adds a new Part D that includes additional detail and clarification on when a zoning permit is needed and when a demolition permit is needed; including rights to appeal.

Section 4.2 – Includes clarification on the standards to be used for curb cuts, removes and relocates figures 1 thru 5 (including associated descriptive text), and establishes a new Part I for encroachment of existing residential driveways.

Section 4.3 – Reorganizes the text to include a Part B and adds references to Section 2.4 and Section 6.6.

Section 4.5 – Includes clarification under subpart 2, and adds a new Part B with existing text.

Section 4.6 – Adds new requirements for walls that are intended to hold back or retain earth, including the need for a zoning permit. Also includes clarification for where fences or walls can be located on a property.

Section 4.7 – Clarifies the applicability of the standards for landscaping and screening and what zoning districts are impacted by these standards. Adds a reference to the Standards and Specifications for street trees.

Section 4.9 – Amends the conditions for the development of pre-existing non-conforming lots.

Adds subpart E.5 to provide standards for changes of use in a non-conforming structure and other editorial updates.

Section 4.10 – Clarifies the applicability for where outdoor lighting is required and under what circumstances.

Section 4.11 – Clarifies the applicability of the standards for outdoor storage including what zoning districts will be subject to these requirements. Adds new language for location and screening requirements of dumpsters.

Section 4.12 – Adds new language to clarify the applicability of this section. Establishes a maximum threshold for vehicle parking on any given lot and a process to exceed the maximum threshold if needed. Adds new uses to the table for minimum vehicle parking and amends the number of vehicle parking spaces required. Reformats Part D on vehicle parking reductions including new standards and requirements for shared uses; updated requirements for

Transportation Demand Management Strategies; clarifies the location for parking; and new standards for use of public parking to satisfy minimum vehicle parking standards. References to ADA parking have been removed and now rely on federal standards. A new Part E is added to include incentives for underground parking and electric vehicle charging. A new table is included for short-term and long-term bicycle parking, including uses. Additional standards for bicycle parking are also included under Part G. A new Part H is added to address parking related to changes of use and what standards will apply. Provides clarification on surface parking standards, and removes figures 6 thru 9 including text referencing these figures.

Removes all references to loading standards.

Section 5.15 – Adds a new section to Article V to provide incentives for adaptive reuse of historic structures or buildings. This section includes incentives based on the zoning district where the property is located and varies the incentives based on the zoning district with the intent of implementing specific goals of the City's Master Plan.

Section 6.6 – In addition to editorial changes, incorporates all figures from Section 4.2 and 4.12 except for figure 1 (which is deleted in its entirety) and associated text in various parts of the site plan review standard.

Article IX – Adds new definitions for various terms including Accessory Structure, Certificate

of Appropriateness, Fence, Instructional Space, Party Wall, Substantially Commenced, and Wall. Also provides editorial amendments to various existing definitions for clarity and consistency.

The full text of these amendments is available at the Winooski City Hall, 27 West Allen Street, during normal business hours or by contacting Eric Vorwald, AICP, City of Winooski Planning & Zoning Manager by calling 802.655.6410 or [email protected].