City of Burlington In the Year Two Thousand Twenty-Two An Ordinance in Relation to Parks—Addition OF KieslichI Park BCO Section 22-1 | Ordinance Changes | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

Ordinance 5.28
Sponsor(s): Councilors Barlow, Carpenter
First reading:
Referred to:
Rules suspended and placed in all stages of passage: 10/24/22
Signed by Mayor: 11/08/22
Published: 11/16/22
Effective: 12/07/22

It is hereby Ordained by the City Council of the City of Burlington as follows:

That, Chapter 22, Parks, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington be and hereby is amended by amending Sec. 1 thereof to read as follows:

22-1 City parks enumerated.

The following shall constitute the parks of the city to be used and enjoyed as such by the public under the rules and regulations of the park commissioners:

(1)-(37) As written.

(38) Kieslich Park. The land and premises consisting of approximately twelve (12) acres located at 311 North Avenue, bordered by Lake Champlain, BCCH properties, North Avenue and the City public land noted as "Texaco Parcel" conveyed to the City of Burlington by warranty deed of VLTBTV Parkland, LLC dated February 11, 2019, and recorded in Volume 1434 at page 232-233 of the land records of the City of Burlington.

TM/CW/Ordinances 2022/ CHAPTER 22, PARKS—SECTION 1, Addition of Kieslich Park 10/19/2022