City of Burlington -Comprehensive Development Ordinance Burlington High School Zoning ZA #22-05 | Request for Proposals | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice


Sponsor: Office of City Planning,
Planning Commission, Ordinance Committee
Public Hearing Dates: 08/15/22
First reading: 06/27/22
Referred to: Ordinance Committee Rules suspended and placed in all stages of passage:

Second reading: 08/15/22
Action: adopted as amended by BT
Date: 08/15/22
Signed by Mayor: 08/24/22
Published: 09/28/22
Effective: 10/19/22

It is hereby Ordained by the City Council of the City of Burlington as follows:

That Appendix A, Comprehensive Development Ordinance, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington be and hereby is amended by amending Map 4.3.1-1 Base Zoning Districts; Section 4.4.4, Institutional District; Map 4.4.1-1 Institutional Districts; Map 4.4.6-1, Recreation, Conservation, Open Space Districts; Section 4.5.2, Institutional Core Campus Overlays; Map 4.5.2-1 Institutional Core Campus Overlay Districts; adding Map 4.5.2-8, ICC-BHS: Burlington High School Campus; amending Section 8.1.3, Parking Districts; and Map 8.1.3-1, Parking Districts; thereof to read as follows:


Map 4.3.1-1 Base Zoning Districts **See attached map excerpt—changes as indicated in the corresponding legend, consistent with the map excerpt.


Sec. 4.4.4 Institutional District

(a) Purpose:

The Institutional District (I) as illustrated in Map 4.4.4-1 allows for an increased development scale and intensity than would typically be found in the adjacent residential districts to support continued growth and flexibility of the city's major public and higher educational and health care institutions within their respective institutional missions. New development is intended to be sensitive the historic development pattern of the existing campuses as well as the surrounding residential neighborhoods.

This district is intended to support a broad range of related uses reflecting the resident institution's' roles as either regional educational, health care, cultural and research centers or municipal educational facilities. Buildings should be designed with a high level of architectural detailing to provide visual interest and create enjoyable, human-scale spaces. Sensitive transitions between adjacent lower scale residential and open space areas and larger scale instituti onal development should be provided. Sites should be designed to be pedestrian friendly and encourage walking between buildings. Where parking is provided onsite, it is intended to be hidden behind, to the side, within, or underneath structures.

Map 4.4.4-1 Institutional Districts **See attached map excerpt—changes as indicated in the corresponding legend, consistent with the map excerpt.

(b) Dimensional Standards and Density:

The density and intensity of development, dimensions of building lots, the heights of buildings and their setbacks from property boundary lines, and the limits on lot coverage shall be governed by the following standards:

Table 4.4.4 -1 Dimensional Standards and Density

1 –Measurement of and exceptions to coverage, setback and height standards are found in Art 5.

2 –The calculation of the front yard setback shall be a percentage of lot width and depth or as defined and described in Art 5.

3 – Maximum allowable lot coverage, setbacks and building height in portions of this district may be modified by the provisions of the Institutional Core Campus Overlays in Sec. 4.5.2 where applicable.

(c) Permitted and Conditional Uses:

The principal land uses that may be permitted, or conditionally permitted pursuant to the requirements of Article 3, within the Institutional district shall be as defined in Appendix A – Use Table and as modified by provisions of the Institutional Core Campus Overlays in Sec. 4.5.2 where applicable.


Map 4.4.6-1 Recreation, Conservation, Open Space Districts **See attached map excerpt—changes as indicated in the corresponding legend, consistent with the map excerpt.


Sec. 4.5.2 Institutional Core Campus Overlay Districts

Purpose As written

(b) Areas Covered.

The Institutional Core Campus Overlays as delineated on Map 4.5.2-1, and are further described as follows:

1. – 5. As written.

6. Burlington High School Campus (BHS) is intended to provide for increased development scale and intensity than would typically be found in the adjoining and underlying districts to facilitate the long-term use of this site as the city's public high school, and a hub of educational and athletic uses and other district services. Buildings are designed with architectural detailing to provide visual interest and create an enjoyable human-scale experience, both within its internal circulation and in relation to the surrounding neighborhood, with the majority of parking to be located behind, to the side, within or underneath structures particularly with respect to frontage along North Avenue. Development should reflect the district's core educational values in both design and quality.

Map 4.5.2-1: Institutional Core Campus Overlay **See attached map excerpt—changes as indicated in the corresponding legend, consistent with the map excerpt.

(c) – (g) As written.

(h) District Specific Regulations: Burlington High School Campus (BHS)

1. Lot Coverage

Maximum lot coverage shall be applied to the aggregate of all lots located within the ICC-BHS District. Lot coverage shall not exceed 60%.

2. Setbacks

A minimum 20 ft. front yard setback shall be applicable along North Avenue, and a 20 ft. minimum front yard setback along Institute Road. A minimum side setback of 10 ft. and minimum rear setback of 20 ft. shall apply only along the perimeter of the ICC-BHS District.

3. Building Height

Building height shall be measured under the provisions of Art. 5. Building height Within the ICC-BHS shall not exceed:

• 60 ft. for buildings or portions of buildings within 100 ft. from the property line along North Avenue

• 80 ft. for buildings or portions of buildings more than 100 ft. from the property line along North Avenue

Map 4.5.2-8 ICC-BHS: Burlington High School Campus

4. Uses

Within the ICC-BHS district, School- Post-Secondary & Community College, School-Secondary, School-Primary, School-Preschool (see Sec. 5.4.1), and School- Trade or Professional are permitted. When part of the education program associated with a School use or when hosted within a School facility, the following uses are also permitted:

Sec. 8.1.3 Parking Districts

The demand for parking is highly dependent on the context within which a given use or structure is located. Factors such as proximity to other related uses, availability of public transportation, the density of land uses, and the ability to share parking with nearby uses are all factors which influence the demand for individual and dedicated off-site parking. For the purposes of this Article, the following three (3) Parking Districts as illustrated in Map 8.1.3-1 are hereby created:

(a) - (b) As written.

(c) Multimodal Mixed-Use Parking District:

This parking district eliminates the minimum on-site parking requirements of Sec. 8.1.8 recognizing the opportunity for extensive sharing of parking demand between nearby mixed land uses makes travel to and between proximate land uses largely independent from an automobile; and that an array of non-vehicular transportation modes, public parking facilities, and frequent transit service greatly reduces the need for independent on-site parking for individual land uses.

This Parking District includes all properties in the following Zoning Districts:

(a)– (g) As written.

The Parking District also includes the properties located at 0 and 52 Institute Road.

With the exception of those properties subject to Part 3 - Institutional Parking Management Plans, this Parking District also includes all properties with street frontage on the following major thoroughfares to a maximum depth of 200-ft.:

(a)– (k) As written.

With respect to permits issued with parking requirements in this Parking District prior to the effective date of the amendment to eliminate minimum onsite parking, an administrative permit amendment may be requested to remove the parking requirement based upon the change in regulation. This does not apply to permits containing public parking provided in exchange for an Article 4 Development Bonus (See Sec. 4.4.1(d)(5)(A). For those permits, the public parking provided shall be maintained.

Map 8.1.3-1 Parking Districts **See attached map excerpt—changes as indicated in the corresponding legend, consistent with the map excerpt.


* Material stricken out deleted.

** Material underlined added.

tm/KS: Ordinances 2022/Zoning Amendment – ZA 22-05, Burlington High School Zoning

Secs. 4.4.4, 4.5.2, 8.1.3; new Map 4.5.2-8, amended Maps: 4.3.1-1, 4.4.4-1, 4.5.2-1, 4.4.6-1, 8.1.3-1


The referenced amended maps for ZA 22-05, Burlington High School Zoning, regarding changes to the Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance may be found at:$file/ZA-22-05%20Amended%20Maps%20Package.pdf or are available upon request from the Burlington Clerk's Office.