City of Burlington: Regulation in Relation to Section 7A. Accessible spaces designated | Ordinance Changes | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice
CITY OF BURLINGTON: In the Year Two Thousand Twenty One: A Regulation in Relation to Rules and Regulations of the Traffic Commission—Section 7A. Accessible spaces designated.

Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works

Action: __Approved__

Date: __06/16/2021___

Attestation of Adoption:

Phillip Peterson, EI

Associate Engineer, Technical Services

Published: 06/23/21

Effective: 07/14/21

It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows:

That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 7A, Accessible spaces designated, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows:

Section 7A Accessible spaces designated.

No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations, except automobiles displaying special handicapped license plates issued pursuant to 18 V.S.A. § 1325, or any amendment or renumbering thereof:

(1)-(124) As written.

(125) On the east side of Pitkin Street, in the space immediately north of the entrance to 54 Pitkin Street. On the west side of South Union Street in the first parking space north of King Street.

(1)-(173) As written.

** Material stricken out deleted.