Burlington Development Review Board Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 5:00 PM Public Hearing Notice | Public Meetings | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

In Person (at 645 Pine Street) Meeting

1. ZP-22-640; 294-296 North Winooski Avenue (NMU, Ward 2C) Irene Hinsdale / Samuel Nelis Change of use from mixed-use restaurant to bar.

2. ZP-23-15; 176 South Winooski Avenue (FD5, Ward 6S) VFW Howard Plant Post 782 / Taryn Barrett

Demolition of existing building to construct a new mixed-use 38-unit commercial/residential building.

3. ZP-23-24; 371 Main Street (I, Ward 6S) Champlain College, Inc. / Nic Anderson

Expand occupancy of existing residence hall from 30 beds to 36 beds.

Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpi/drb/agendas or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.